Sunday, September 16, 2018

Here are some quotes to help us prepare for the "no grades" transcript. We need to prepare ourselves for change

We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act.  Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.
Maxwell Maltz

There is a connection between creative and the screwball.  So we might choose to suffer the screwball gladly.     Kingman Brewster

Creative thinking may mean that there is no particular virtue in doing things the way they always have been done.   Rudolf Flesch, creator of the Flesch Readability Test 

Every beginning has a consequence.  Every beginning ends something.   Paul ValĂ©ry

Research is about seeing what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought.   Albert Szent Gyorgyi

Creativeness often means merely turning up what is already there.  Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only about 200 years ago?
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon
As late as 1850 most shoes were made on absolutely straight lasts, there being no difference between the right and the left shoe. Breaking in a new pair of shoes was not easy. There were but two widths to a size; a basic last was used to produce what was known as a "slim" shoe. When it was necessary to make a "fat" or "stout" shoe the shoemaker placed over the cone of the last a pad of leather to create the additional foot room needed.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Do what is right (quotes) -- thought for today

"The only way you will experience victory is when you do what's right, even when you want to do wrong." 

Another way of putting this idea is:

"The only way you will experience victory is when you do what's right, even when you want to do something else."


The following version is available as a t-shirt

"Just do the obvious thing, even when it is not enjoyable."
For example, put away things in your room that are on the floor.
Wash the dishes.
Clean the cat litter.
Now is the right time.

-- FF, the governor

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Tai Lopez defines conscientiousness and being thoughtful

Here's what I want some of my students to read. This is more important than many of the lessons that I teach. It comes from tailopez.Com
By tai lopez
Some of you are going to own your own business and you're going to have people work for you. All of them are going to say they're working hard. Theoretically they are working hard, but the definition of working hard is different for different people.

I don't like the words “working hard” because it's too subjective. If I was to point you out and accused you of not working hard, in your mind you'd be like, I am working hard. That’s because you grew up with a certain context of hard work.

That's why I'm doing these trainings, so everybody has the context of what hard work really is. What’s normal for you ain't necessarily normal to me.

That means what's normal for you to accomplish an eight-hour day is not necessarily normal to me at all.

It’s not because you're bad people, it's because you went through an inadequately designed system where people come out and don't know what a day's work is like.

It's like asking a Navy SEAL “yo man can you do 20 push-ups?” They would be like you don't know where I come from. They can do 20 push-ups in their sleep.

The average person in the world can't do 20 push-ups.

Trust me.

In 2018 my goal for you is to stretch your sense of what getting work done is. I'm going to show you the areas people mess up that prevents them from being productive.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is the never-ending checklist. They're the person that has a simple job to do and they put it on the to-do list. They write out a plan and they think they're making progress, but by the time they write it out they could’ve be done with it.

Do you write a list to remember to tie your own shoes in the morning? I hope not. By the time you write it down you could’ve just tied your shoes. There's nothing to it. This is the most pedantic childlike thing ever.

The first thing to do is keep it simple stupid – KISS.

One of the greatest German sayings: when you have something to do, just jump right in! Next thing you know, you're halfway done. You want to solve procrastination in 2018? Next time you have some shit to do, just start on it. If you're out of shape and you're like I gotta get a gym membership, just do push-ups right there. You'll be one step closer to being in shape.

Enough of this nonsense.

The world is full of nonsense.

Another thing I learned from Joel Salatin’s farm: when he was walking he said never have your hand empty, pick stuff up around the farm. Imagine what this world would look like if everybody even in the world picked up trash when they saw it. You'd have the whole world clean. Pick up things. People are too lazy to do anything in the modern world. Then they can't figure out why they're broke.

You'll be happier when you feel like you got a good day's work in. People these days work half a day and they’re tired. Be active get out of your chair once in a while. Get stuff done. You're going to have a happier life, trust me. I'm sick of seeing people lazy.

Get up and do stuff.

Don't just walk by a piece of trash, throw it away. If you see something idiotic, don't step over it, bend down and fix it. One of the greatest philosophers in the world said let everyone sweep their own front porch and the whole world will be clean. That's how you change the world, it has reverberations. If you believe in anything spiritual everything's connected. If you don't believe in anything spiritual and you believe in math, there's something called the butterfly effect. One butterfly flapping its wings has a ripple effect, that's physics.

Everything I'm talking about today is conscientious. My mentor Dr. Buss told me to pay attention to the conscientiousness factor, which is broken down into 4 parts:

1. Organization
2. Perfectionism
3. Diligence
4. Prudence

Those four things are not optional.

You know they say somebody's strikingly attractive? That means when they walk in the room everyone thinks that person is extra attractive. I don't care about attractive physically, I care about extra conscientious. When I think about a person, I want it to be noticeable how conscientious they are.

Some of you ain't noticeable. It’s time to get noticeable in 2018. Some of you might think I’m being mean, but you know what's more mean? Being broke. Looking back on your life with regrets because no one ever showed you how to be conscientious.

Correct a fool and they will hate you, correct a wise person and they will love you. Love it when people tell you the truth, because when people tell you the
truth it stings for a second, but then it goes away.

Everyone reading this has hopes and dreams. If you ain't conscientious you have a 1% chance of achieving your hopes and dreams. It's easy to see when people aren't gonna succeed. Low conscientious people you can just bet against them. They ain't going nowhere. If you don't believe me, talk to David Buss about the hundreds of scientific studies that have tracked people from young age. The number one thing that predicts life outcome in business success is conscientiousness.

We go through a school system that makes us memorize stuff for ten years, but we never got a class on how to be better at memory. That's how stupid the education system is.

You have to be diligent. Diligence means simply hard working. We all know what that is. It's easy to identify. We all have a family member who's lazy. It isn’t hard to identify. It's pretty obvious. Diligent means when something's a little hard you don't go, oh well, I tried. Let's be honest here, have you ever known you should do something but didn't do it because it was a little bit hard? You have to push past that.

Have some common sense. Common sense doesn't dictate you have to make it perfect the first time, just have a semblance of order.

Be a perfectionist. Pay attention to stuff. A perfect example of perfectionism, when you're done with something, take a five-minute break and then do a quick sweep through to see if there’s anything obvious you missed. Double-checking is my definition of a perfectionist.

Low conscientiousness is extremely correlated with being stressed every month of the rest of your life with money.

Here's the thing about organization that bothers me the most, and it's not just you
guys, I struggle with this too. All humans are naturally a little bit Lazy, they want to conserve glucose. It's a part of your brain, a protective mechanism. So I don't want to be around other people lazier than me because then it drags me down. The goal is to bring the thing up by being around people that when you feel like being lazy you look over and you get motivated. The death of dreams is procrastination, not keeping it simple and being lazy.

Make 2018 the year in those four areas you jump up and quadruple your progress. You must be exceptional in all of the four things (organization, perfectionism, diligence, prudence), can be unexceptional at everything else in your life, but be exceptionally organized, exceptionally, diligent and exceptionally a perfectionist.

Double check your work and have some common sense. People can't handle it. I need to have more of these sessions because common sense is not common at all. It's basically been actively eradicated from the planet. It's like there's people working to remove it. I'm pretty sure the school system, without knowing, is actively destroying common sense.

I'm going to end with this: I call it, the 20 Minute Test. This how I know you pass the test. I should have to stare at your work for 20 minutes to find a flaw. I literally coined this term. If you have eight hours to work on what you do, it should take me at least 20 minutes to think of a way to improve it. If you work on something for eight hours, day in and day out, and I can improve it in 10 seconds, that tells me you're not conscientious.

I want you to make 2018 the year you take action. Don’t just think about your goals, start doing it. Be conscientious, be extraordinary and don’t quit at the first sign of resistance. Overcome your obstacles with hard work and you will be rewarded.

Stay Strong,

Go ahead. Spread this message

ROGER SCHANK has some ideas about how to improve schools

Here are some quotes from a search "ROGER schank what should students learn"

1. You can see more at this link

2. Search "ROGER schank what should student learn"

3. At Suned High School, we offer students a free one-on-one instruction about how to make a website and present information.

This is one way to put Schank's recommendations info action and use.

Call or text. 954 693-6379 and ask for mr. Steve's free courses.  You can start at. and call him with questions.
You can see the schank quotes as photos link

This post was composed on a phone and the speak checker  is set for portuguese... im learning that lingua with my phone.

Please pardon the typing errors.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A book about lying -- read this excerpt

Most forms of private vice and public evil are kindled and sustained by lies. Acts of adultery and other personal betrayals, financial fraud, government corruption—even murder and genocide—generally require an additional moral defect: a willingness to lie.

In Lying, best-selling author and neuroscientist Sam Harris argues that we can radically simplify our lives and improve society by merely telling the truth in situations where others often lie. He focuses on "white" lies—those lies we tell for the purpose of sparing people discomfort—for these are the lies that most often tempt us. And they tend to be the only lies that good people tell while imagining that they are being good in the process.

Here are screenshots of the first chapter...

Here is a review from the Amazon page

December 5, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
....why lying is almost always a bad thing. The only time it is acceptable and perhaps even good, the author argues, is to avert a greater evil -- for example, to save a life or to avoid great harm. If someone brandishes a knife at you and asks if you like his haircut, it's OK to say "yes" even if you think it looks like it was done with garden shears.

All the other reasons for lying ultimately lead to bad results, says Harris. For example:
Lying to avoid hurting someone's feelings? That means that person may never hear the truth about, the fact that their acting is terrible and they really need to get some dramatic coaching; or that their writing is flabby and needs some radical editing; or ... You get the idea. He does not argue for tactlessness or cruelty, but he does say that these sorts of so-called white lies are mainly for the benefit of the teller of lies, who just doesn't want to face the discomfort of being honest about a difficult matter.

Lying to cover up your own misbehavior?
We all know how that tends to turn out -- if you're famous enough or your misdeed is serious enough, on the front pages or on the blogs or both.

Lying to protect someone else by covering up their misbehavior? Misplaced loyalty to friends, family and tribe has led to a great deal of evil in the world. Think of the cover-ups of child molestation in the Catholic Church, typically out of a desire to protect the tribe (in this case, that of the priesthood and the Church), and how that turned out.

Lying through omission? If it's intended to deceive, then it's still lying.

Overall, I found his arguments very convincing and an excellent lesson in practical ethics. Some I have talked to thought that his writing was shallow. I, on the other hand, thought it was clear and straight-forward, but far from shallow. The path of absolute honesty that he advocates is a difficult one for almost everyone, I suspect, but ethic of honesty that he promotes is well both pondering and living.

The long essay by TAI Lopez... and a tip about using HEADPSACE, the app that Tai recommends

One of the most annoying people on YouTube has a tip for students (and others):  "Use the app called Headspace at least once a day."

Leave a comment below if you find other tips in this essay.  Tai Lopez sent this essay in an email message.  I have edited out the references to a training program that he is advocating.  If you want to follow Tai on his social media and learn more about his services, go to  and in particular sign up for his email message s and summaries of books.  This HEXCAO email is a summary of a book that Tai has reviewed.  See other book summaries (free) at

Info about the Headspace app Android
For iPhone

That's what Headspace looks like....


The HEXACO essay

HEXACO is a theme that he wrote about in a video about 2 years ago. WIKI about HEXACO
The most important subject is about reading people or reading yourself.

They call it EQ. Emotional Quotient. It's the most important thing in the world understanding anxious-avoidant attachment style and understanding Dark Triad or HEXACO.

It's nuts that this isn't taught in the modern school system.
I don't think it was like this 100 years ago. I think people were more sane because back then families were eating all three meals together, parents stayed together, people lived on quiet farms, people had practical common sense.

We live in this world like ghosts... we have become disembodied. A ghost is not attached to anything physical. It's just floating and that's how people are in life. You just graduate high school and you think you're just gonna float into a good job or a good marriage with financial security.

You won't. You will float into disaster and misery.

The only thing you should be focused on is trying to figure out is how life works.
How Does Life Work?
People ask me what I do for a living I'd say I'm trying to figure out life by interviewing people and I interview scientists and I test things myself on health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Here are some things I learned:


I had this appointment the other day with Dr. Kim. I asked him about if humans will live to 700 years old. He said there are good scientists that are literally figuring our DNA. There's so many things working against us. He says there are things like oxidative stress, there's natural mutations in our DNA that we have in our body from birth that grow as we age that basically they exaggerate and eventually get cancer and die or something. There's cortisol levels from imposed stress being in traffic and having a horrible relationship with somebody or having a deadend job just to name a few.

So that's health off the top of my head.

You gotta decode the game of life when it comes to money.

Money doesn't come to you. There's no human in history that's "like you're not gonna believe this time I knew nothing about money, nothing about investing and I made a fortune!".

Well, I shouldn't say there's no people... there are people that win the lottery, especially with crypto recently. There have been people who just randomly put a hundred bucks into crypto and made a good amount of money for themselves.

If you put a hundred bucks in a crypto, you'd have like five hundred million bucks last time I checked.  If you've put money in early enough like pre-2010, then you'd have over 100 mil. At least that's what the calculation was at $2200 per Bitcoin. Right now BTC is about floating around $10,000-20,000.

So yes one-in-a-million or one-in-a-hundred-million people win the lottery of life, but very few people do. So if your financial plan is to win the lottery, then no. You're gonna be broke.

And we see in the United States the average person saves only 1-2% of their income which means out of the average $50,000 income the average person is only saving $500 a year. Maybe $1000 or $2000 after taxes. This is a disaster. We're just disembodied from reality.

And then you get into social relationships with people. Not one class I ever had in high school was on practical psychology. Zero. I dropped out of college and no one ever told me in school that you could assess people with the dark triad score.

No one told me you can find out if a person is highly neurotic or if this person's highly likely to lie to you. I never heard of that.

But, that test has been around for twenty years. Some other tests have been around 50 years.


When it comes to happiness, people know nothing. We were taught nothing about how to attain happiness. It's just like "oh be a good person you'll be happy." No you won't. You've got to learn to manage anxiety. You have to learn to manage stress.

These are things that you have to learn just like how you learn how to read how to do the multiplication tables...

I'm Worried About Us Humans

I'm telling you the older I get the more I'm worried about us humans, myself included. I'm just like, am I real or is this like a joke?

You know is it like how the Greeks and Romans how they believed in these gods that sit above us like Zeus or Thor or these Norse Gods. There's all these Norse Gods like Thor... you had Freyja which is like the goddess of love, you had Odin, and you had all these people.

Well sometimes I feel like that I'm like are there gods sitting up there laughing at us?

They're like "Oh watch the cycle repeat. Bob is an alcoholic he's gonna marry a dysfunctional woman. He's dysfunctional and dysfunctional people usually attract each other she's gonna marry him, they're gonna have kids and those kids."

And they're gonna just watch it like it's a joke.

They just watch how the pain cycle is on repeat like "Oh see this person who's born poor they're gonna give birth to kids they're gonna teach them nothing about money and their kids are gonna be poor" and just laugh at it.

I mean I know that's probably not how it is but I could see how the Greeks came up with that. Like Zeus is up there laughing and occasionally they step in and I'm just like... is this how the game has to be?

Maybe that's how the game has to be nowadays. Maybe there's some sort of conspiracy. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist. I don't think it's an overt conspiracy, but I know wealthy people don't care. You think they really care about people in the ghetto? No. They care about themselves and their kids.

I live here in Beverly Hills now and these kids go to nice private schools although half the kids don't know how to create wealth themselves but apparently their dad's not like, "Hey son let's go to the inner city and teach people how to invest in real estate like we did." No.

They can teach their kids, maybe. Half the parents don't even transfer what they know to their own kids. So here we go with the disembodied human. We're ghosts floating doomed to the repetition.

But maybe there's a solution.

How To Break The Cycle
This is why I talk about maybe there's a chance. Maybe we can enlighten ourselves or each other by studying the tactics and the techniques of the outliers. You've got to study outliers that's something we don't learn about.

Like we don't ask ourselves why people like the Dalai Lama so great?

If they put him on an fMRI machine why does he have such lower stress. What's this man doing so well. We know he meditates 3 to 6 hours a day. Probably not practical for everyone to do that, but maybe it's like maybe we should try it.

There's an app called Headspace. Maybe we should all be on Headspace for 15 minutes a day. Why don't they implement that in our modern school system?

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness - The Headspace App
Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.

You know there's all these school shootings, maybe if you took 15 minutes out of the required curriculum we go through everyone would be a little more peaceful. People are learning nothing at these schools.

If you want to argue with me on this, I will go through any country in the world and you bring me anyone. I don't care what country you're from. Let me quiz your students on practical life things. Do they know how to repair credit, do they know how to buy a house, or do they know how to do their taxes?

Do they know how to start a business? Do they understand marketing or persuasion? No. They're all going to fail.

Some people go "Oh, America's so far behind now they're all gonna fail." I've been around the world to 50-60 countries and there's no place where I feel like everybody is fully equipped with the right tools.

Everybody's doing the same educational system just with a slight variations.

People seem to think Finland is the model country. Model country my ass. I've been to Finland, no offense to Finland, it's not worse than America but it's not better. It's all the same curriculum.

You think Asian people are so smart and Americans are so stupid? Where's the Nobel Prize coming out of Asia? No offense to Asians but Asians are stuck in the same modality of teaching as the rest of us: lecturing.

Only A Few People Have Figured It Out

People need to have mentors or apprenticeships. That's how you learn. If you want to learn to build a house, go work with a contractor who has been doing it 40 years. Get your damn hammer and go do it.

If you want to learn how to live life find somebody who's lived life the way you want to live it and follow their recipe. People are completely lost.

That's why I partnered up with Sam Ovens and we're hosting this webinar on how to get paid teaching what you already know. If I ever had to start all over from scratch, this is exactly the business idea I would use to make money.

But anyway I was saying when I was talking about the education system, there is a way. There is a solution. You have to take back what should have been given you.

I'm talking about your birthright? There's a birthright that we should all have by the time we are 18.

Love is sending your kids into the world with the major foundational life skills mastered and practice for 10 years.

My mentor, Joel Salatin- I remember when I went to his farm and Daniel his son was 12 years old.

At just 12 years old, Joel had pretty much taught him how to do marketing, how to build a business, how to take care of animals, how to be responsible, how to avoid procrastination, how to work hard, how to have a work ethic, how to be sincere. He taught him a little bit about psychology, a little bit about negotiating deals.

By the time Daniel was 18 years old he was managing his own business. He started at 10 or 12 years old. What do kids now know at 18? What did I know at 18?


For those of you reading this, of any age, you can decide to stop being a ghost on planet Earth. You can decide to take back what should have been yours from all the parents, teachers and grandparents that said they loved you. They did their best, but they didn't do a great job. Now it falls upon you and I to take it upon our own shoulders.

Don't be confused by life.

That's the number one thing I tell myself. Stop being confused. Really.

If you dated a girl and it was a nasty relationship. You need to understand psychology. Maybe you were avoidant and maybe she was anxious. Maybe you had a high attachment style that scientists have studied for many years which predicts the pain that you had. Which means you could have prevented it.

Anything predictable can be prevented.

If you don't have any money in your bank account and you're continually stressed.

1. Do you know how to invest money?

2. Do you understand what a debenture is?

3. Do you understand the difference between
debt and equity?

4. Do you understand what
how an IPO works?

5. Do you how an ICO works?

6. Do you understand valuations?

7. Do you understand intrinsic value?

8. Do you understand how to discount the future
value of money into a present-day lump

If you don't know any those things of course you'll be broke.

Ask Questions
Ask yourself:  "I didn't learn them. How do I learn them?"

If you do this, the cycle will begin to reverse itself.

Do you work out for 45 minutes to an hour a day? If you don't, you will have health problems. Dr. Kim just told me four things you can do that have the same potency as pharmaceutical drugs.

Number one is sleep.

People sleep five hours and they can't figure out why they're anxious or on medication while their body's degrading. Dr. Kim says it's as powerful as cholesterol medications, statins and all this stuff. As powerful as you being on some major thyroid drugs. People are confused when they feel like they don't have any energy.

If you don't sleep well, maybe it's because you have your iPad and your TV on in your room. Have you studied how the brain works with light into your eyes once the sun goes down? We're built to go to sleep. You have to wear blue blocker glasses at night because they block the blue light which stimulates your different parts your brain to keep you awake.

Well, no wonder you can't sleep. Turn the lights off. Use candles and you'll go to bed a lot earlier, but people will look at me like oh that's weird Tai. You know what's weird?
Sleeping five hours and your body starts degrading. You should have energy.

Energy's the most correlated thing, by the way, with making money.

For those of you who follow me for business tips, every person I've ever seen that makes money, I've met, has a ton of energy.

Sleep more.

Don't listen to these people: "You sleep when you're dead." Yeah, you're gonna definitely going to bring death. You're gonna bring the Grim Reaper a little faster.

Don't be confused. I'm not confused anymore.

I still have a hard time fixing everything, but at least now I know why I am like I am. And I know why-- it all makes sense.

It all makes sense. You can self-enlighten. You can teach yourself. When I say you teach yourself, don't get confused.

Charlie Munger said "The prescription for misery is learning everything yourself, by your own experience,and ignoring the wisdom of other people."

Warren Buffett says: “It's good to learn from your mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes.”

I take in the wisdom of Dr. Kim, okay. This guy says stem cells is gonna be powerful. I need to look into stem cells. He says increase sleep. Most people need eight and a half hours.

Okay, boom, and I take him at his word.

If you want to be miserable, you'll subconsciously be like, "I'm gonna do 20 years without enough sleep and see how it affects me."

They already did those tests, bro.

They already did those tests.

They kill the rats, the kill the animals; they die young.

They already studied how much money you should make.

Everyone reading this, if you live in the western world, the United States, you should be making at least six grand a month. They already studied this, they've figured it out. You will not be happy making three to four grand for the average person.

Maybe if you live in another country with a lower cost of living.

I got good news and bad news. I'm gonna end on this.

The good news is that most of life's been figured out, if you seek.

As Jesus Christ said, whether you're religious or not, "Seek and you will find, ask and you will receive. Knock and the door will be opened unto you."

You go ask, seek, enough smart people, patterns emerge. You begin to see patterns.

Instead of somebody who's like, "I don't know why bad things happen to me."

Bad things will still happen to you, but you can lower the rate of these bad rates.

I have to tell myself, "Tai, don't be confused, don't be confused. It all makes sense."

But it's up to me to be willing to see the truth. It's like the matrix. Most people took the wrong pill, so they're blind.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Truth

Just like Plato said in probably the most famous allegory/fable, of all time, The Cave...

Most people are in the back of the cave, he said, and they're sitting around a fire in a dark cave and they look and they see shadows on the wall and they go, "Oh, that's reality. That's what humans look like."

But he said you're only seeing the reflection of shadows on the wall. And
he said once in a while somebody walks to the edge of the cave where the sunlight and they go, "Oh, it's too bright. I don't want to see the truth." And they go back, darkness, into the cave. And that's how we live in our world now. Where people can see the light.

You have Google, you have YouTube, you have books can be delivered to your door by a drone by Amazon. We're still too lazy to read books.

My grandma had to go in a horse and buggy to a random bookstore that was 100 miles away. It was a day-long trip to buy one book, and a book cost your whole month's wages or whatever, your whole week's wages.

Now you can get used books on Amazon for a dollar. I'm like do you read books about how to make money? Because you're complaining to me about money.

"Nah, do those exist, Tai?"


I'm worried about us humans. I'm telling you.

If we're not careful, we will all be off this planet. We will all blow ourselves off the planet one way or another. If you don't believe that will happen, you should read the book "Collapse" by the Pulitzer Prize UCLA professor, Jared Diamond.

He showed over and over where humans have wiped themselves off that particular part of the planet. Easter Island, off Chile. They destroyed themselves. Lots of civilizations destroy themselves. There's parts of Europe, destroy themselves. There's some parts of Kazakhstan, things like that, where Genghis Khan went.

Look at India. India has tremendous environmental degradation. China, too. Whole rivers. There's places in India, China, and there's places in America, too. Just wiped ourselves out. Look at where there was the Chernobyl in Russia. The nuclear devastation.

Dude, they were growing frogs with four heads there. People's cancer rates, ten times higher. That was like 50 years ago and people still dying from it.

Step Your Game Up In 2018

So, I caution myself: get your game up, get your open-mindedness up, get your education up, or we will blow ourselves off the planet one way or another.

Elon Musk ain't gonna save us. I love Elon Musk, but one man alone ain't gonna save us.

As the philosopher said, let everyone sweep their own front porch and the whole world will be clean.

I gotta learn how to break the cycle. It's on me. You think my dad cares? He didn't care.
If he would've cared that much about his kids, he would've broken the cycle so his kids never were exposed to it, but he didn't.

I'll end with this, if you're ever surprised that a politician does something wrong, you are a fool and you don't understand how the world works.

People who seek power, massively, generally have high narcissism, high machiavellianism, and high psychopathy.

So, when I hear stories about, "Tai, you ain't gonna believe this. There was a scandal! Somebody ran for president or prime minister, and you're not gonna believe this, Tai. They were doing it for selfish intentions."

Really! I did not know that!

I've never read Julius Caesar. You think Julius Caesar was a wonderful man, Genghis Khan was a wonderful man? People who seek out power are a little kooky. They ain't no saints up in high, powerful places.

Occasionally, occasionally. And when I say occasionally, we're talking every century or two.

My grandma saw Adolf Hitler get out of a car, stand up right in front of her, and start yelling and preaching on the streets.

I said, "Grandma, what'd you think of him?" She said, "Oh, I knew he was crazy right away."

See, my grandma had her head screwed on straight. She just saw her 100th New Year's Day.

We need to go back to whatever my grandma's education was, where she just saw Adolf Hitler and was like, "I ain't voting for that guy," and she left Germany and got in a boat and came to America.

She says the greatest day of her life was seeing the Statue of Liberty. America could be great, but ... I don't know, when we're too soft, maybe we got too much freedom.

Maybe we got so much freedom, we don't know what to do with ourselves. Something's wrong.

I'm part of the problem, so I'm not preaching. I'm just telling you, gods are laughing at me, too. Make no mistake, the gods look down like, "Ugh, look at this Tai guy. He thinks he knows a lot with books, aha! He still don't know."

Every year of my life I get older, I'm like, "Last year I thought I knew a lot." And then I look back and I'm like I didn't know jack.

So I'm wondering when that cycle stops. Maybe we'll just die and the last year of your life you'll look back and you're like actually none of these years I really understood anything.

That's why science is important, but not the science that people think of test tubes.

Study your life. Do little experiments on people. Do experiments with people you're dating, friends.

Don't be afraid to test everything. Open-mindedness.

Travel the world, look for patterns. The world will begin to open up and reveal itself to you.

And for those of you who don't want to do it, like Mr. T said in Rocky where they asked him, "What do you predict will happen in this fight?" Mr. T said, "I predict pain." Haha.

Sometimes I look at my life, I look back and I'm like, "Tai, what was the prediction for the things you did and thought, and your thought patterns at that point?"

"At 20 years old, the way you thought, what was gonna happen to you at 21?"

Oh, I predict pain. Stupidity. Loss of money. Betrayal by people. Heartache. Depression, pain, fear. Sleepless nights.

I wish I could go back, 19, and play this video for myself.

Maybe all these videos that I do are some kind of time capsule.

But I don't know how to go back in time. If any of you have that formula, you'll be very rich.
Anyway, signing off. Like I said, hopefully it wasn't too rough.

Stay Strong,

From an email in Jan 2018
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