Saturday, January 27, 2018

Tai Lopez defines conscientiousness and being thoughtful

Here's what I want some of my students to read. This is more important than many of the lessons that I teach. It comes from tailopez.Com
By tai lopez
Some of you are going to own your own business and you're going to have people work for you. All of them are going to say they're working hard. Theoretically they are working hard, but the definition of working hard is different for different people.

I don't like the words “working hard” because it's too subjective. If I was to point you out and accused you of not working hard, in your mind you'd be like, I am working hard. That’s because you grew up with a certain context of hard work.

That's why I'm doing these trainings, so everybody has the context of what hard work really is. What’s normal for you ain't necessarily normal to me.

That means what's normal for you to accomplish an eight-hour day is not necessarily normal to me at all.

It’s not because you're bad people, it's because you went through an inadequately designed system where people come out and don't know what a day's work is like.

It's like asking a Navy SEAL “yo man can you do 20 push-ups?” They would be like you don't know where I come from. They can do 20 push-ups in their sleep.

The average person in the world can't do 20 push-ups.

Trust me.

In 2018 my goal for you is to stretch your sense of what getting work done is. I'm going to show you the areas people mess up that prevents them from being productive.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is the never-ending checklist. They're the person that has a simple job to do and they put it on the to-do list. They write out a plan and they think they're making progress, but by the time they write it out they could’ve be done with it.

Do you write a list to remember to tie your own shoes in the morning? I hope not. By the time you write it down you could’ve just tied your shoes. There's nothing to it. This is the most pedantic childlike thing ever.

The first thing to do is keep it simple stupid – KISS.

One of the greatest German sayings: when you have something to do, just jump right in! Next thing you know, you're halfway done. You want to solve procrastination in 2018? Next time you have some shit to do, just start on it. If you're out of shape and you're like I gotta get a gym membership, just do push-ups right there. You'll be one step closer to being in shape.

Enough of this nonsense.

The world is full of nonsense.

Another thing I learned from Joel Salatin’s farm: when he was walking he said never have your hand empty, pick stuff up around the farm. Imagine what this world would look like if everybody even in the world picked up trash when they saw it. You'd have the whole world clean. Pick up things. People are too lazy to do anything in the modern world. Then they can't figure out why they're broke.

You'll be happier when you feel like you got a good day's work in. People these days work half a day and they’re tired. Be active get out of your chair once in a while. Get stuff done. You're going to have a happier life, trust me. I'm sick of seeing people lazy.

Get up and do stuff.

Don't just walk by a piece of trash, throw it away. If you see something idiotic, don't step over it, bend down and fix it. One of the greatest philosophers in the world said let everyone sweep their own front porch and the whole world will be clean. That's how you change the world, it has reverberations. If you believe in anything spiritual everything's connected. If you don't believe in anything spiritual and you believe in math, there's something called the butterfly effect. One butterfly flapping its wings has a ripple effect, that's physics.

Everything I'm talking about today is conscientious. My mentor Dr. Buss told me to pay attention to the conscientiousness factor, which is broken down into 4 parts:

1. Organization
2. Perfectionism
3. Diligence
4. Prudence

Those four things are not optional.

You know they say somebody's strikingly attractive? That means when they walk in the room everyone thinks that person is extra attractive. I don't care about attractive physically, I care about extra conscientious. When I think about a person, I want it to be noticeable how conscientious they are.

Some of you ain't noticeable. It’s time to get noticeable in 2018. Some of you might think I’m being mean, but you know what's more mean? Being broke. Looking back on your life with regrets because no one ever showed you how to be conscientious.

Correct a fool and they will hate you, correct a wise person and they will love you. Love it when people tell you the truth, because when people tell you the
truth it stings for a second, but then it goes away.

Everyone reading this has hopes and dreams. If you ain't conscientious you have a 1% chance of achieving your hopes and dreams. It's easy to see when people aren't gonna succeed. Low conscientious people you can just bet against them. They ain't going nowhere. If you don't believe me, talk to David Buss about the hundreds of scientific studies that have tracked people from young age. The number one thing that predicts life outcome in business success is conscientiousness.

We go through a school system that makes us memorize stuff for ten years, but we never got a class on how to be better at memory. That's how stupid the education system is.

You have to be diligent. Diligence means simply hard working. We all know what that is. It's easy to identify. We all have a family member who's lazy. It isn’t hard to identify. It's pretty obvious. Diligent means when something's a little hard you don't go, oh well, I tried. Let's be honest here, have you ever known you should do something but didn't do it because it was a little bit hard? You have to push past that.

Have some common sense. Common sense doesn't dictate you have to make it perfect the first time, just have a semblance of order.

Be a perfectionist. Pay attention to stuff. A perfect example of perfectionism, when you're done with something, take a five-minute break and then do a quick sweep through to see if there’s anything obvious you missed. Double-checking is my definition of a perfectionist.

Low conscientiousness is extremely correlated with being stressed every month of the rest of your life with money.

Here's the thing about organization that bothers me the most, and it's not just you
guys, I struggle with this too. All humans are naturally a little bit Lazy, they want to conserve glucose. It's a part of your brain, a protective mechanism. So I don't want to be around other people lazier than me because then it drags me down. The goal is to bring the thing up by being around people that when you feel like being lazy you look over and you get motivated. The death of dreams is procrastination, not keeping it simple and being lazy.

Make 2018 the year in those four areas you jump up and quadruple your progress. You must be exceptional in all of the four things (organization, perfectionism, diligence, prudence), can be unexceptional at everything else in your life, but be exceptionally organized, exceptionally, diligent and exceptionally a perfectionist.

Double check your work and have some common sense. People can't handle it. I need to have more of these sessions because common sense is not common at all. It's basically been actively eradicated from the planet. It's like there's people working to remove it. I'm pretty sure the school system, without knowing, is actively destroying common sense.

I'm going to end with this: I call it, the 20 Minute Test. This how I know you pass the test. I should have to stare at your work for 20 minutes to find a flaw. I literally coined this term. If you have eight hours to work on what you do, it should take me at least 20 minutes to think of a way to improve it. If you work on something for eight hours, day in and day out, and I can improve it in 10 seconds, that tells me you're not conscientious.

I want you to make 2018 the year you take action. Don’t just think about your goals, start doing it. Be conscientious, be extraordinary and don’t quit at the first sign of resistance. Overcome your obstacles with hard work and you will be rewarded.

Stay Strong,

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